Artificial Intelligence in

We bring innovation in your manufacturing procedures.
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Accelerates Your Path To Digital Transformation

USM’s AI-driven solutions empower manufacturers to bring automation in manufacturing tools, machines, procedures, and analytics. Our AI services, together with analytics and automation solutions, help you scale the manufacturing automation. Our expertise in delivering custom-build AI apps for manufacturing customers made us leading AI service provider in the market.

USM Business Systems help enterprises accelerate digital transformation and empower their ability to run business smartly in this world of a connected ecosystem. We assist your business to commence a transformational journey by using the power of futuristic and advanced technologies. We deliver unbeatable technology solutions and services to clients across United States – Chantilly, Virginia, Frisco, Texas, California and New York.

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Story Of David and John

Story Of David and John Overcoming Production Hurdles & increased their productivity upto 60%


Manufacturing Use Cases

Workforce Management

Our AI solutions in manufacturing can automate day-to-day production operations. It assists employees/supervisors to optimize time and resources and track equipment.

Supply Chain Management

This supply-chain management solution brings varied management streams of an organization at one platform. Thus, our AI solutions for business incorporate the best communication channel & improve our business performance.

Inventory Management

This AI enables you to manage order records and delete/add inventories or lists. This kind of AI applications helps warehouse workforce.

Facility Management

This app supports the logistic department of a company. Our Artificial Intelligence solutions generate invoices and deliver data to stakeholders, investors, and vendors

Equipment Maintenance

Our Mobile Intelligence solutions help users can manage manufacturing equipment maintenance, repair, and replacement from a single mobile app

Customer Management

Our edge AI applications help clients increase sales, productivity and business performance.

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Why Mobility is Needed in Manufacturing?

Today, the biggest challenges for manufacturing companies are enhancing employee productivity and managing on-field services. And, warehouse management and health and safety also remain tough challenges for the manufacturing companies. USM’s AI-based Manufacturing Mobility Solutions can overcome all these risks. Know more: ( How Mobile Technology is Renovating The Manufacturing Business )


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Years of Experience

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Let’s talk About your project

Understanding your requirements and objectives is important to us. We listen and work together to create a truly unique experience.

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    Our Clientele

    USM has earned reputation and respect from its client by delivering top-notch customized IT solutions. We have satisfied clients from all over the globe.

    Why choose USM for your Services?

    As a reputed AI mobile app development company, USM has flexible engagement plans for software development projects which are customized according to client specifications.
    • 24X7 Support
    • Certified Resources
    • Predict Trends
    • Customer Service
    • Actionable Insights
    • Diverse Industry
    Mobile App Development

    Segments We Have Experience In

    USM helps accelerate innovation and gratify industry specific best practices to help run your core business efficiently.

    AI in Banking


    AI in Healthcare


    AI in Retail


    AI in Manufacture


    AI in eCommerce


    AI in Telecom

    Marketing & Sales

    AI in Marketing & Sales


    AI in Education


    We would love to add yours too!
    View Our Work

    Client testimonials

    Satisfied clients are the bedrock of any strong business and ours is no exception. Read our testimonials below.
    USM’s AI-powered solutions helped our C-level Executives to generate real-time reports and insights on operational activities performed across our various locations. They developed an AI-based virtual assistant that can learn and improve every business conversation automatically without manual effort.

    Telecommunications Giant


    USM optimized the capability of our m-learning applications. We achieved 40% increased students subscription. We are succeeding beyond our targeted boundaries with implementing USM’s AI solutions. Thanks to USM!

    BYJU’s, the Learning App

    Bangalore, India

    USM has delivered an incredible predictive analytics solution to us and made us a performance driven online retailer in India. Compared to prior financial years, we witnessed 50% of increased sales during the year.


    Bangalore, India

    We partnered with USM to fill a skill gap across our IT domains. New hires helped us to complete the major IT project we targeted within deadlines as promised to our clients.

    IT Company

    Dallas, USA

    Looking for a right digital transformation partner for your business?

    Let’s discuss your technical requirements and business preferences. Please fill your details on the following form and we’ll get back to you soon.
    Lets Discuss Now!

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