AI Pose Estimation and Analysis Software Development

Recognize, Locate and Track Human Real Time Poses In 2D & 3D Space through AI Pose Estimation Development Solutions.
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What is AI Pose Estimation?

Human pose estimation refers to the process of recognizing the poses in an image or video. This can be achieved by identifying, locating, and tracking the key points on an object or a person. For objects, it could be corners or other significant features. For humans, the key points are mostly the knees, wrists, elbows, and other skeletal joints.

USM is the leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services providing company that helps improve you business growth. We use cutting-edge data science and deep learning methods to provide reliable and scalable human pose estimation and analysis technology solutions tailored to our clients needs.

Give us an opportunity to develop customized solution from scratch or upgrade the existing one. We have high skilled and experienced team to develop AI based 3d pose estimation and bring your business to the next level.

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How and Where AI Pose Estimation can be Used?


Our team of professionals and experts develops AI pose estimation solutions from scratch. We made it simple and easy to recognize, track and analyze human and animal movement or other activity done by them. This AI technology has great potential for the Sports and healthcare industries. This can help improve therapy and fitness apps, including real time movement tracking and human body joints localization. It also gives accurate and fast activity identification and motion analysis, providing a quick overview of how to use the right approach to prevent injury.

Detecting human body poses based on deep learning technology can be very helpful in the surveillance industry. This AI innovation mainly uses to increase security at airports, sports venues, train stations, and other congested and crowded areas. Human Pose Estimation software combined with other data science algorithms is a perfect match for identifying and analyzing activity to prevent violence. Our AI pose estimation software solution has the power to transform media and entertainment field with amazing AR effects.

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Key Features of AI Pose Estimation Technology

Mobile, Cloud & Edge Devices

We provide accurate and fast customizable software solutions that support android, iOS, cloud and edge devices.

Single view and multiple views

Estimate and analysis the joint positions of an animal or during several movements from one or multiple cameras based on the camera setting.

Single person and multiple people

We offer clients with single and even multi-person adaptive human pose analysis solutions that meet your needs.

Extended Skeleton Keypoints

The expanded set of key points allows cutting-edge analytics of the human movement, giving you competitiveness over other organizations in the niche.

Human & Animal Pose Estimation

Our AI pose estimation technology helps not to estimate human movements, but also animal poses.

No markers or sensors

All you need is our software solutions to recognize and locate poses. You no need to purchase additional attach markers or sensors.

2D and 3D Human Pose Estimate

Get valuable insights with 2D & 3D detailed human movement analysis to grow business.

A Plenty of Fitness Activities

From bungee jumping and somersaulting to Pilates and yoga, we can offer effective AI solutions to predict a wide range health and fitness activities.

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Delivered Successful Projects

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Years of Experience

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All in All, USM empowers your business with AI pose estimation and analysis solutions that we develop to suit your specific needs.

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    Why USM as Your AI Technology Provider?

    At USM Business SystemsMobile app development company, we give first priority to customer satisfaction. We understand your business is one of a kind, so we develop client-centric solutions tailored to your business needs. We use state-of-the-art technology and our multi-year expertise to ensure that your product is relevant to the global market for years to come.

    Cloud Migration Service
    • A well experience and professional team: Our dedicated mobile app development team has proven knowledge and skills in developing custom AI pose estimation and analysis solutions to various industries across the world.
    • 20+ years in the market: Since two decades, we have been offering effective AI solutions that take our clients businesses to the next level and generate good revenue.
    • Customized solutions: We always strive to build cutting-edge solutions for variety of clients to suit their business needs
    • High-quality results: We develop reliable and unique AI pose estimation software solutions that give high quality results.
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    Benefits for Using our AI Pose Estimation Solutions

    Our advanced AI solutions help businesses gain competitive power in the global market and taste the success. From start-ups, enterprises to large companies, we create reliable AI-based pose estimation solutions. Regardless of your industry, our expert team works closely with you to reach our clients expectations.

    Fitness Centers

    Implementing AI pose estimation and analysis technology in your fitness mobile and web applications helps your customers safely and effectively at their homes. Doing workouts by watching videos can also helps get real time feedback on their body movements and can avoid injury.

    HealthCare Industry

    Human movement analysis is the best way to track your physical therapy exercises. This innovative technology tracks user rates, movements, and gives useful tips on how to achieve health and care goals and accelerate recovery.

    Media and Entertainment

    Superimpose AR effects, Graphics, arty-crafty, fancy improvements, styles, etc., on the human by introducing AI pose estimation model. This makes your videos go viral on the worldwide market. By tracking variations of this poses, the applied graphics make the person “fit naturally” as they move.


    Grab the advantages of security Automation with our Computer Vision. Prepare your venue, stadium, or any other crowded areas with custom-built AI human pose estimation software to detect unusual or violent behavior.

    Are you from another Industry and want to develop a powerful AI pose estimation solution?

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    Our Clientele

    USM has earned reputation and respect from its client by delivering top-notch customized IT solutions. We have satisfied clients from all over the globe.

    Why choose USM for AI Pose Estimation Services?

    As a reputed Cloud Migration company, USM has flexible engagement plans for software development projects which are customized according to client specifications.
    • 24X7 Support
    • Certified Resources
    • Predict Trends
    • Customer Service
    • Actionable Insights
    • Diverse Industry
    Mobile App Development

    Segments We Have Experience In

    USM helps accelerate innovation and gratify industry specific best practices to help run your core business efficiently.

    AI in Banking


    AI in Healthcare


    AI in Retail


    AI in Manufacture


    AI in eCommerce


    AI in Telecom

    Marketing & Sales

    AI in Marketing & Sales


    AI in Education


    We would love to add yours too!
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    Client testimonials

    Satisfied clients are the bedrock of any strong business and ours is no exception. Read our testimonials below.
    USM’s AI-powered solutions helped our C-level Executives to generate real-time reports and insights on operational activities performed across our various locations. They developed an AI-based virtual assistant that can learn and improve every business conversation automatically without manual effort.

    Telecommunications Giant


    USM optimized the capability of our m-learning applications. We achieved 40% increased students subscription. We are succeeding beyond our targeted boundaries with implementing USM’s AI solutions. Thanks to USM!

    BYJU’s, the Learning App

    Bangalore, India

    USM has delivered an incredible predictive analytics solution to us and made us a performance driven online retailer in India. Compared to prior financial years, we witnessed 50% of increased sales during the year.


    Bangalore, India

    We partnered with USM to fill a skill gap across our IT domains. New hires helped us to complete the major IT project we targeted within deadlines as promised to our clients.

    IT Company

    Dallas, USA

    Looking for a right cloud technology partner for your business?

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