How Much Does It Cost to Build Video Conferencing app like Zoom?


How Much Does It Cost to Build Video Conferencing app like Zoom Cloud Meetings?

The pandemic situation has made us adopt new ways of communicating. Mostly, global organizations are increasingly adopting new strategies to connect with their resources online. Zoom apps are the best digital solutions for enterprises to stay tuned with the workforce. 

Zoom Cloud Meetings is one of the most used video conferencing software applications that help you connect with people around the globe with video and audio format. These apps are the best way to stay connected with people from work and family. You can also record the calls for future purposes and save them in cloud storage for further reference.

According to the recent stats, there are 300 million daily Zoom cloud meetings across the world. This shows that the application plays a vital role in online meetings of both small and multinational companies. If you plan to develop this type of application, you should know the Cost to Develop Video Conferencing app like Zoom.

USM, the best mobile app development company, is engaged in providing end-to-end mobile app development services and gives you an estimation about the Cost to Develop Video Conferencing app like Zoom.

What is a Video Conference Application?

Video conference applications are used to communicate with people outside the organization. The virtual meeting connects people across the globe and collaborates work on one platform. Zoom meetings is a popular application with all special features that make your workflow flexible.

The work from home culture has increased the demand for video conferencing applications in every industry. We can observe an increment of 90% in the downloads of these apps for business purpose in both Android and iOS operating systems

So, having your own online conferencing application will help to modernize business with new communication methods and enable the digital workspace. You can stay in one place and have access to everything. We being the top video conferencing apps development company will give you the complete guide to build the mobile application.

Zoom - Video Conferencing Application

Key Features of Video Conferencing Application

Any video conference application should have the below-mentioned features to make it reliable for the users. The top video conferencing apps developers in India have curated the necessary elements to consider before developing the application.

Screen Sharing:

Screen sharing plays a major role in conducting correlative conferences between the users. This feature brings everyone together to interact easily. You can share the entire screen or only the required application on your device. It helps you to share the data, show software processes or presentations, and help the participants of the meeting to understand easily.

Remote Control:

The remote management feature gives complete control on the participant’s screen. You can change the settings, edit documents in real-time, and more. This feature will reduce the time consumption of explanation when the host is handling multiple video conferences.

Speaker Analysis:

It is important to concentrate during these video calls for a better understanding of the meeting agenda. Everyone should have a look at the host’s body language or emotions which will make the attendees more focused. The VC system uses an advanced microphone array that can track the active participants and zoom in on the person to give a better view. 

Noise Blocking:

Audio quality is the heart of any virtual meetings and the unnecessary noises from the background are always disturbing. The Noiseblock feature will keep away the distracting sounds like paper ruffling, keyboard typing, and others. The microphone is muted automatically when there is sound without a participant talking and unmutes as the person starts speaking.  

Auto Framing:

It is an essential feature for a better video conference experience. The adjustment of frame whenever a new person joins or leaves is a time-consuming process. In this situation, the auto framing will come into the picture which is dynamic and adjusts according to the view of the group.



The visual explanation of the project will always draw new and great ideas from the participants. Whiteboard features in Web meetings will help in one-on-one video conferences to draw, edit on all types of electronic documents. You can find many tools on the bar that will help you to highlight the points during the discussion. 

Invites & Remainders:

The calendar invites and reminders play a vital role in conducting your video conference meetings. You can schedule, start and track a meeting from this calendar interface. This feature gives you additional information like a meeting link so that you don’t have to face any difficulty while joining the conference. This feature will also give the prior info about the number of participants. 

Camera Resolution & Optical Zoom:

Video and audio facilities of these cloud meetings are the main features that bring everyone to one table. So, we need to have a high-end camera resolution and microphone. The 4k Ultra HD resolution support will give a better experience of the meeting.

The optical zoom feature in these applications will give a clear view of the image and video quality using magnifying lenses. If you plan to build an app like Zoom cloud meeting, you should not miss out on these features.

Mobile Support:

As mobile users are increasing every day the video conference meetings should have mobile compatibility. Make sure your software has both Android and iOS applications to make it more closely for the participants. It will help the users to attend meetings easily through their phones or tablets from anywhere.

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    Benefits of Video Conferencing Apps

    The apps like Zoom meetings will help to improve the productivity of the organization. Before you choose to go with these applications, explore all the advantages. Here is the list of benefits for you on building such platforms.

    Easy Communication:

    Video conferences are always more effective than audio calls. You can have face-to-face interaction with the team that in turn improves the communication. The quick sharing of knowledge will keep the team informed about the changes in the work process of the organization. 

    Productivity Improvement:

    Companies having a global scope of the market can make use of these video conference applications and increase productivity. You can’t get this advantage with older ways of communication as the participants will not be on the same page and that raises confusion.  

    Reduce Travel Allowances:

    This is the major advantage of video conference meetings as you don’t need to travel places for team interaction. The travel and accommodation cost is always a burden of the company for small meetings. You can complete the conversation within one hour that takes one day from the comfort of your home place. 

    Structural Form of Meetings:

    As the topic and agenda of the meeting are mentioned before having a conference this will reduce discussions. You can define the start and end times of the meeting that will help the people from the different corners of the globe plan. So, this means no place for unnecessary conversation and more productivity during the meeting.

    Cloud Storage:

    Storing the webinars will help you to go back and check the details of the meeting. The cloud storage support in video conferences can instantly store the HD quality meetings without using the business server. You can remotely access these videos from the cloud storage of the provider.

    Market Value of Apps like Zoom Cloud Meetings

    The pandemic situation from last year has brought more scope for online meeting applications. It is playing a vital role in every industry and helping them to reach the users easily during unusual times.

    Zoom cloud meetings app has a special place among video conference applications with all necessary features. The Zoom cloud has about 2.5 million users within the first three months of 2020. The number of users has increased to 4.3 million in 2021 and it is estimated to increase by 4 times in the next quarter.

    It is a great idea to develop a similar application and the right time to grab the market during these emerging days. USM is the leading mobile app development company in USA, can give you a clear idea about the market value and economic growth of video conferencing applications.


    Technical Stack Required to Develop an App Like Zoom Cloud Meetings

    The technical stack of mobile app development will give you complete details about the programming languages, development platforms, data storage, security management, and user interface design tools. We have listed out the technical stack that is required to develop a video conference application with the help of our top mobile apps developers. 

    • Programming Languages: For Android Platform: Java, Kotlin & for iOS Platform: Swift, Objective-C
    • Database: MySQL, Oracle
    • Frameworks: Angular, Laminas, Spark
    • Cloud: Amazon Web Services, Server space
    • Video Streaming Protocols: WebRTC and RTP
    • API & SDK: Twillio, Wowza, iOS SDK, Android SDK
    • WebRTC: It supports real-time communication in desktop and mobile systems through a wide range of APIs.
    • API’s: We have many third-parties API that provides the process of creating video chat apps and makes it simple and easy.

    Cost To Develop An App Like Zoom Cloud Meetings

    The Cost to Develop Video Conferencing app like Zoom application will depend upon the number of features, platforms, location, team size, app design, and others. A clear idea about these factors will help you to get a near approximation of cost.

    The estimated budget to build the best video conference apps for Android/iOS is around $45,000 to $70,000.

    USM is a popular mobile applications development company that provides you with all facilities for developing mobile applications. Connect us with your requirements and get a free quote on building a video conference application. 


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      Factors Affecting the Cost to Build Zoom App

      In this section, we have discussed the few important factors that affect the cost of building any mobile application.

      App Team Size:

      The development team size will also affect the cost of building the application. You need to have a strong team of project managers, web developers, qualitative analysts, UI/UX designers, and testers. Get in touch with us to get the best video conference apps developers in India.

      App Developers Location:

      The cost to hire the app developers depends upon the location of the application development. In India, app developers cost $15 to $100 per hour depending upon the experience and skill. If your location is the USA then a freelancer will cost between $61-80 per hour. 

      App Platforms:

      The mobile platforms will also define the cost of the application. The Android operating system costs more with its device compatibility than the iOS platform. You can also choose between native or cross platforms. 

      App Design:

      A good design with all exclusive features will definitely cost more than simple app designs.  The elements like cloning, background filters, whiteboard, admin controls on attendees, call recordings will increase the cost of development. So, have a clear idea about the application design and then go for further procedures. 


      Hope this article will guide you in taking steps of building a video conference application. The development of the mobile application will be an easy job if you have good assistance. You can choose the best video conferencing apps developers in Bangalore, India to get your app developed on time.

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